On The Cards:
Who is Jo Roderick?
Well, that is a good question, and how good an answer you will decide. On The Cards has just become a reality, but I have been working with Cartomancy for decades. The universe has pushed me this way. Look at the cards that fell out when I did a small reading as to whether or not I should embark on this new journey.
To be honest, you don’t need to know much about cards to see this one for what it is. First, the two jokers fell out; two life-changing cards that when combined create milestones. In the last, or future position, is the 9 of hearts, the wish card. I really didn’t stage this, and I took a picture of the little spread to remind myself whenever I experienced doubts.
Why do I generally not use the tarot like everyone else? Well, to be cocky, I’m not everyone else. More seriously, I did start out with tarot cards. I just never connected properly. It simply felt like ‘hard work’. This shouldn’t be that way. Divination is tiring, but it shouldn’t be a constant uphill battle.
Once I picked up a pack of regular playing cards, it was like an extraordinary piano sonata at the hands of a maestro — not that I was one back then, mind you. It just felt comfortable. Another aspect of tarot are the images. They are pretty graphic, and I found them distracting. I’ll write more about it soon in an upcoming book. I have also ordered a nifty new tarot pack in a shiny tin, and everything. Unfortunately, as of writing this, my things have been in storage for years. Just like this new venture, it is time for a new life for me too.
Cartomancy is more about guidance than fortune telling. In the words of Edna Czeriek, my wonderful teacher decades ago and whom I miss dearly, “I’m not a fortune teller!” I don’t aspire to be one either. She always taught me spiritual ethics, first and foremost.
I am largely what is called clairsentient. You can research it more online if you are curious. I know … you are terribly disappointed I am not a ‘real’ physic. If you are still reading, and you are amused, do contact me. I’m not here to be famous or pick up a cult following. I’m here to help people as instructed by the universe. If you have read any of my books, you already know me by name. Here is my bookish website … http://joroderick.com/
So, are you looking for a bit of spiritual guidance? You’ve read right down to the bottom of the page. 🙂 I’m Aries; what could possibly go wrong? For heaven’s sake … send me a message already. http://contact.joroderick.com
PS: I know … under construction. Check back in a few days for more content.
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