Tagged: Cartomancy


What to Ask a Psychic

What to Ask a Psychic Great Questions for Psychic Readings Want to know what to ask a psychic? What are some great questions for psychic readings? You would think that this would be a...

This is a tutorial on how to interpret the sixes in cartomancy. 0

Tutorial: The Sixes (Cartomancy/Tarot)

Cartomancy Tutorial: The Sixes This is a video tutorial on how to interpret the sixes. If you are doing cartomancy card readings, then it will help to understand your spreads. Like If you want...

This is a tutorial on how to interpret the fives in cartomancy. 0

Tutorial: The Fives (Cartomancy/Tarot)

Cartomancy Tutorial: The Fives This is a video tutorial on how to interpret the fives. If you are doing cartomancy card readings, then it will help to understand your spreads. Like If you want...

This is a tutorial on how to interpret the fours in cartomancy. 0

Tutorial: The Fours (Cartomancy/Tarot)

Cartomancy Tutorial: The Fours This is a video tutorial on how to interpret the fours. If you are doing cartomancy card readings, then it will help to understand your spreads. Like If you want...

This is a tutorial on how to interpret the threes in cartomancy. 0

Tutorial: The Threes (Cartomancy/Tarot)

Cartomancy Tutorial: The Threes This is a video tutorial on how to interpret the threes. If you are doing cartomancy card readings, then it will help to understand your spreads. Like If you want...

What's Really Going on in Your Connection? 0

What’s Really Going on in Your Connection?

What’s Really Going on in Your Connection?: Pick a Pile Love Reading (Cartomancy/Tarot) What’s really going on in your connection? Use this pick a pile love reading to get some clarity with tarot/cartomancy. For...